Serving Libraries and Library Consortiums

KINBER is a collaborative community of education, healthcare, economic development, libraries, government and public media organizations that utilizes the high-performance Pennsylvania Research and Education Network, also known as PennREN. By offering essential services and exceptional member support, KINBER will help your library or library consortium achieve its mission and goals through the ongoing discovery, application and transfer of new network technologies.

KINBER believes in the strength of a vibrant, collaborative community that can work with leading technology firms to address challenges of common interest for the common good. By connecting organizations, building relationships and sharing services, libraries and other institutions can achieve far more together than they can alone.

E-rate Program

As an E-rate program participant, KINBER knows that planning ahead for your connectivity needs helps to streamline the application process and reduce headaches in the years ahead. If you haven’t worked with KINBER before, give us a call today to talk about how our services can benefit your organization. If you’re already a member, contact us with any questions you have about planning for your needs.

Why Libraries Love KINBER

  • KINBER’s enabling technology and connectivity will provide greater access to content and benefit to libraries and their communities.
  • KINBER can support and provide the infrastructure to:
    • Support enhanced POWER Library.
    • Provide eCourses and classes to build job readiness skills.
    • Enable video classes and tutorials.
  • KINBER can assist the library’s role in fostering Information Literacy by:
    • Deploying wireless access points.
    • Linking to academic libraries and repositories of complex research databases.
  • Offering high speed access.

PennREN, KINBER’s High Speed High Capacity Network

PennREN was built and is managed by KINBER. The network provides next generation broadband to non-profit organizations across 47 counties of Pennsylvania. It enables value-added services like Ultra (4K) high-definition (UHD) video, telepresence or videoconferencing, and data sharing. The collaborative environment also provides opportunities for member institutions to share best practices, content and programs across the network and save costs using KMEX, the KINBER Member Exchange.

Interested in accessing these services? Contact for more information.